Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is Bachmann Clever Or Sloppy?

I had been on a hiking trip for the past couple of days, so when I finally got back from hiking and checked into a hotel i updated myself on a bit of news, I noticed an article about Michelle Bachmann wishing Elvis Presley happy birthday on the anniversary of his passing. Sure everyone makes mistakes, but then you take into account her John Wayne/Gacy comment. Seems as though for a public figure she's getting all sorts of information wrong. She must be pretty dumb right? Or is she?

On my drive back home I thought about this for a little bit. What if this is a publicity stunt of sorts. As they say, any press is good press. Thinking back to my source amnesia article, what will you really remember about her incidences? That she wished Elvis Presley a happy birthday on a death anniversary? Or that she made a good hearted attempt at wishing the king a happy birthday? What if this is to show you that she is just like you. Would you have known that it was Elvis’ birthday or the anniversary of his passing (Elvis fans aside of course) if it weren't for the news? Or even the news about Bachmann and her birthday wish? Maybe she's just like the rest of us and is prone to a little screw up here and there.

Michelle Bachmann. An American like the rest of us.

Of course, you could also end up just remembering that Bachmann made many public gaffes (mistakes) throughout her campaign because Bachmann or her handlers cannot bother to put the time in to fact checking before Bachmann speaks. When it comes time to vote then, all you remember/know is that you have a negative feeling about Bachmann but you don't remember why.

Michelle Bachmann. She really is that dumb.

As I've said before, I know very little about politics so maybe my musings about political games are all wrong. Who knows?


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